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08_22_96_ Credit & Debt
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OnlineHost: WHay2922 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Skixprs has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: Hi there!
OnlineHost: Rmrudem has entered the room.
WHay2922: hello
MW 1Voice: Any questions to open the show today?
WHay2922: can you tell me about debt counselors of america
MW 1Voice: Yes, these are good people that are well intentioned!
Skixprs: i would like to know if you can file individual bankruptcy even if
you are marrid?
MW 1Voice: No you probably can not if you share credit/joint accounts!
MW 1Voice: Good idea to ALWAYS keep credit separate!
WHay2922: can you tell me exactly what debt councelors of am. do
Skixprs: i opened a charge account in my name but put my husband as an
authorized user and am now bei
MW 1Voice: Debt Counselors of America will be officially endorsed by One
Voice in acouple of days.
Skixprs: ing told that it is a joint account is that true
MW 1Voice: Skix: Not a good idea to even authorize a credit line!
Skixprs: my husband has never used the account.
MW 1Voice: Debt Counselors of America helps to reduce your interest and
provide a payment schedule
OnlineHost: Kronos22 has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: With your creditors!
Skixprs: does that make a difference.
Rmrudem: MW how do you know if you are no longer in a joint account in a
credit card
OnlineHost: PETRO123 has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: Joint accounts are co-applied for... authorizing a user is NOT the
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has entered the room.
OnlineHost: PETRO123 has left the room.
WHay2922: this sounds stupid, but how can they drop your interest charge
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has left the room.
MW 1Voice: They act as a professional entity that negotiates on your behalf!
OnlineHost: Kronos22 has left the room.
Skixprs: if an account was opened without your permission is there anything
that can be done
MW 1Voice: Credit Counseling in geneeral is always a last resort... you can
easily do what they do!
WHay2922: this negotiating (sp) really then further goes aganist your credit,
MW 1Voice: count opened without your consent is fraud!
MW 1Voice: An account that is!
OnlineHost: SylvestK has entered the room.
Skixprs: but if you are not willing to procecute is there anything that can
be done?
MW 1Voice: Negotiating with your creditors, done intelligently, will not
affect your credit. Depends o
MW 1Voice: on your goal!
OnlineHost: TDJJ has entered the room.
OnlineHost: TDJJ has left the room.
MW 1Voice: If you don't want to prosecute, your stuck!
WHay2922: response to last question
OnlineHost: Starbu3169 has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: Lets make something clear, most people have no idea how to protect
their credit!
WHay2922: true
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has entered the room.
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has left the room.
WHay2922: most people cannot protect their crerdith either
MW 1Voice: Depend on how much debt! 45 million americans have been credit
and are in over their heads!
MW 1Voice: We are the proud owners of 5 TRILLION dollars in debt!
OnlineHost: Kronos22 has entered the room.
WHay2922: only the wealthy can protect and preserve their credit, true?
OnlineHost: WINDEAUX has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: No, education at an early age brings true empowerment!
Skixprs: what do you suggest the best way to correct a debt problem if one of
the persons in a
Skixprs: knows nothing about the debt. Can't get the husband off my credit
what can i do
MW 1Voice: Kids are taught to confuse debt with credit....Credit cards?
WHay2922: education is to stay out of debt
OnlineHost: Wygaz711 has entered the room.
SylvestK: It is because they have all the money to settle their debts.
OnlineHost: WINDEAUX has left the room.
Starbu3169: I've been a Collection Manager for eight yrs for Commercial Real
Estate & Residential loans
WHay2922: true
MW 1Voice: If its your credit, you must take a stand or the spouse will
destroy your credit!
OnlineHost: SylvestK has left the room.
Wygaz711: Any comments on Prime America
Starbu3169: Foreclosures and bankruptcies are on the rise--Because of out of
means spending
MW 1Voice: Never heard of them1 Why?
Rmrudem: Should I close all revovling accounts that I have not used
Skixprs: what do you mean make a stand. the credit problem already exists
and i don't know how to
OnlineHost: HKaiser472 has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: Star...you nailed it. We are spending what we do not have!
Wygaz711: someone tring to get me to invest
Skixprs: fix it since I can't declare separate bankruptcy.
WHay2922: how do you get a credit card co. to drop or lower it's interest
OnlineHost: Wygaz711 has left the room.
MW 1Voice: Ski, you may wish to see a lawyer. In the mean time remove this
person as an authorized
MW 1Voice: User immediately!
Starbu3169: All in debt--listen--Call your credit cards and threaten to close
if can't lower rate
MW 1Voice: WHay, when you have good control over your credit you can make
demands of your creditors!
Skixprs: i can't afford a lawyer i have a hard enough time paying for the
debt. do you have any advi
Skixprs: advice.
WHay2922: exactly what do you mena threaten to close, they have upper hand
OnlineHost: HKaiser472 has left the room.
WHay2922: they are ones who can call your employer, etc.
Starbu3169: Go to your local Consumer Credit office--federally funded--so
it's free!!
MW 1Voice: Close the account completely or remove his authorization status!
The Fair Billing Act prot
MW 1Voice: you if you tell them that the charges were fraud!
Starbu3169: WH--Close to future purchases--they definitely will not want
Skixprs: i don't want to lose my marriage over this but i was told i could
not take his name off unti
MW 1Voice: Whay, if your credit history is great...you can make demands!
Rmrudem: When you close dont they want the ending balance to be paid??
WHay2922: they already have closed the account, because of slow pay, get
Starbu3169: No
Skixprs: l the bill was paid off. i don't understand why. he has never used
this account because he
Skixprs: doesn't know he is an authorized user.
MW 1Voice: Ski, many marriages that end in divorce, get nasty with joint
Starbu3169: Divorce Decrees do not take presedent over credit or mortgage
WHay2922: hello
Starbu3169: Collectors will go after signers--divorce will not matter
MW 1Voice: Lets focus! Ski, who owns the account and who has made chargges
without consent?
Skixprs: what about the over the phone solicitation of pre-approved credit
and the person never used
OnlineHost: Bankman999 has entered the room.
Skixprs: the card and did not give the other person permission to open it
except that they are a spou
WHay2922: it seems this conversation needs a lawyer and divorce
Skixprs: se if you can prove you never used it and there was nothing signed
how can they hold you lib
Skixprs: el.
MW 1Voice: Star, You are right again! Divorce decrees do NOT supecede a
credit contract!
OnlineHost: Kronos22 has left the room.
Rmrudem: Will a credit report show who else is using your credit??
Bankman999: No
MW 1Voice: A credit report will state only what your creditor report!
WHay2922: mw1voice you are out of touch with reality
WHay2922: people with crerdit problems do not have good credit
Starbu3169: Credit Reports show open and closed accts, balances, credit
limits, and delinquencies..
MW 1Voice: What do you mean?
WHay2922: in case you didn't know
Rmrudem: Will someone answer my qeastion
MW 1Voice: Whay, if your crediot has been mismanaged, you can not negotiate
with creditors for lower
MW 1Voice: interest rates!
OnlineHost: RApeach has entered the room.
WHay2922: just what i mean, you cannot negotiate with bad credit, it's that
Starbu3169: Whay--What type of credit problems do you have--I've been in
credit for many yrs
OnlineHost: RApeach has left the room.
WHay2922: more debt than income, over extensions etc.
WHay2922: borrowing from peter to pay paul
MW 1Voice: Rmudren: we answered your question! The answer is no!
OnlineHost: Bankman999 has left the room.
Starbu3169: Credit cards, autos --what type??
OnlineHost: Bankman999 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Bankman999 has left the room.
WHay2922: credit cars, autos, visa sears mastercard
OnlineHost: HOLLACE316 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Redisky has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: As stated earlier, 45 million Americans are in same situation,
overextended and looking
OnlineHost: Redisky has left the room.
MW 1Voice: for a way out!
Rmrudem: Then how do can you guard unauthorize use of credit
Starbu3169: WH--Do you own a home??
WHay2922: yes
MW 1Voice: Never co-sign or authorize other users of your credit!
OnlineHost: KENNY52693 has entered the room.
WHay2922: turned down for second mortage
Starbu3169: WH--You may be able to borrow against home and p/o debt thereby
enabling yourself to write
MW 1Voice: Hey Star what is the answer to the overextended?
Starbu3169: off interest
Skixprs: but if you didn't have that advise before you did how do you get the
authorize user off
OnlineHost: Wbprovan has entered the room.
Rmrudem: How do I prevent people from using name to obtain credit
KENNY52693: i have a question?
MW 1Voice: Example: 30k income.. 35k CC debt and a $1000 mortgage and two
car payments?
Starbu3169: Overextended on what type of debt??
OnlineHost: Wbprovan has left the room.
OnlineHost: HOLLACE316 has left the room.
Rmrudem: Ask your question Kenny maybe someone has an answer
MW 1Voice: Ski: Just write to your creditor and tell them IN WRITING to
remove that party!
KENNY52693: I have spent all night tonight with creditors.
MW 1Voice: Star...no answer.eh?
MW 1Voice: Kenny what's the specific problem?
Starbu3169: MW--sell one or both autos or find less expensive home--no simple
KENNY52693: i was ready to file BK but got a letter from one of my creditors
wanting to make a deal
KENNY52693: A 30% payoff.
WHay2922: kenny52693 it is hell, trying to deal with them
Skixprs: can i write the creditor and tell them to remove my name if i didn't
authorize the account t
Skixprs: have my name on it in the first place.
KENNY52693: the rest of them want more.
MW 1Voice: Star...Just what I thought...no answer...its very tough out there!
KENNY52693: will they eventually give in or should i even bother?
MW 1Voice: Ski: PLEASE tell me who's account it is!
OnlineHost: DOT1COM has entered the room.
Starbu3169: MW1--see answer above
OnlineHost: MW Mad Dog has entered the room.
Skixprs: the account was opened in my name and my husbands without my
permission over the phone.
MW Mad Dog: HI JC...Hi all...
KENNY52693: i have them down from $42,000 cc debt to $18,000. I can only pay
$12,000. what should i do?
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has entered the room.
KENNY52693: even then ill have to beg for the $12,000
MW 1Voice: Creditors will often seek an amicable settlement...confused
consumers jump on BK as the way
KENNY52693: is a settlement better than BK?
MW 1Voice: BK is rarely if ever the answer!
OnlineHost: Grgr has entered the room.
KENNY52693: is my settlement reasonable?
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has left the room.
MW 1Voice: Kenny keep negotiating!
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...A settlement is always better than BK
KENNY52693: will they come to $12,000. a couple were real jerks
WHay2922: bad credit is unforgiving, and stays with you
Starbu3169: BK will ruin your life--10 years is misnomer--creditors stick
together--believe me
Grgr: just stepping innnnnnnn
MW 1Voice: Given a choice between a possible BK and a settlement, the
creditor will accept!
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...many seem that way. You need to talk to the managers. And
maybe the mgr's managers
WHay2922: paying slow is just as bad, bad, bad as not paying at all
WHay2922: why try to pay
KENNY52693: i asked them about removing negatibe information, a couple seemed
to say it cant be done
KENNY52693: negative
DOT1COM: Let me get this right.. Kenny is in debt up to his tail.. ands
calling those he owes jerks?
MW 1Voice: Whay, this is why people should pay cash and avoid the credit
MW Mad Dog: Dot...that' right. Many collectors are just that
Starbu3169: DOT1--I thought I was the only bad guy lender in here!!
OnlineHost: Grgr has left the room.
KENNY52693: no...you should still be treated with respect. who the hell are
MW 1Voice: Credit repair, Kenny, is ethically wrong!
Skixprs: if i ever get out of this situation i certainly don't want credit
WHay2922: good advice, but we all make mistakes, and can't pay cash
Rmrudem: That is why I prefree I debit card
OnlineHost: Grgr has entered the room.
MW Mad Dog: Star...You're a lender?
KENNY52693: Explain? having information changed isnt neccessary
WHay2922: the hake it isn't
DOT1COM: Pay your bills and you will be treated with respect
OnlineHost: Grgr has left the room.
MW 1Voice: That right...but we must stop the bleeding first. Their is
answers to EVERY problem Whay29
Starbu3169: MW--Been in collections for eight years--Residential at 1st, now
commercial real estate
WHay2922: dot1com you must be a bigheaded lender
MW 1Voice: Dot...cool it! People lose jobs, medical emergencies, Acts of
KENNY52693: no. there is more to life than that. I am a professional who
messed up. i can learn. i still
WHay2922: way to go
KENNY52693: deserve decency
WHay2922: how about heart surgery twice
Rmrudem: you do so fight for it
Skixprs: if the mistake has already been done will writing a letter to your
creditors explaining situ
Skixprs: uation really do any good.
MW 1Voice: You would be treated no nbetter if you were robbed at an ATM and
were not abler to pay your
DOT1COM: I understand that.. it was the specific attitude I found offensive/
thank you
MW 1Voice: Bills
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...Than's right
KENNY52693: what attitude?
KENNY52693: the guy was a jerk
KENNY52693: i was nice to him
WHay2922: tough, get offended
KENNY52693: pay attention, dot
KENNY52693: im asking simple questions. if i wanted an inquistion, i would
have stayed on the phone
WHay2922: dot1com have you ever hurt emotionally
DOT1COM: lighten up.. you still can't spend the whole dollar
DOT1COM: of course I haVE
Starbu3169: Let's be honest--most delinquencies are not caused by
emergencies--mostly irresponsible
Starbu3169: spending
KENNY52693: im cool. just give me advice
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...Into each life has to come a jerk sometime
MW 1Voice: Yeah but most American spend their next dollar before they even
see it!
KENNY52693: i screwed up. it is my fault. i want to fix it. help me. i am
working two jobs
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...Just keep your cool. cometo our forum sometime...YOu'll
like it and it will help
Rmrudem: Just keep at it and dont give in
KENNY52693: wife cant find one. just help me solve this, ok
DOT1COM: Some guy murders somebody and we start talking about his child hood
MW 1Voice: Kenny, just negotiate with the creditors...offer "x" FOR ....
WHay2922: you mean you are not perfect kenny
KENNY52693: not even close, pal
WHay2922: neither am i
Rmrudem: Well goodnight this has turned into a wolfs den, bye
Skixprs: kenny you are not alone there are many out there just like us
screwed up but want to fix it.
MW 1Voice: Dot...offer help not a lecture on morality!
Starbu3169: MW1--I'm surprised at your stmt-"offer x for ??--That's what
started the whole prob-
WHay2922: way to go mw
Starbu3169: irresponsible spenders not wanting to pay what they owe!!
OnlineHost: Rmrudem has left the room.
MW 1Voice: Star, offer a solution then.... not negatives.
Skixprs: star i'm not sure it is irresponsible spenders creditors have made
it very easy and make it
Skixprs: so easy.
MW 1Voice: I have helps many people cut their debt in half and saved them
from a BK
DOT1COM: thank you,, just can't sit back and tthink poor little fella
OnlineHost: KENNY52693 has left the room.
WHay2922: starbu3169 you are a jerk
OnlineHost: Starbu3169 has left the room.
WHay2922: some of us try and will pay our bills eventually
DOT1COM: Ok solution # 1 Dop a budget
OnlineHost: KENNY52693 has entered the room.
KENNY52693: hey im back
Skixprs: budget always looks good on paper hard to follow
DOT1COM: Kenny have you done a budget
OnlineHost: AliceFWH has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: Star was a collector with a collectors menatality!
KENNY52693: so youre saying that getting it reduced $18,000 from $42,000 is a
good job. yes i have.
DOT1COM: does he want outght of debt or does he just want to complain
KENNY52693: I was saying before i lost the system
MW 1Voice: Banks and creditor seduce the public...then quickly crush you at a
drop of a hat!
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...eventually you'll get it to $12,000. Keep at it.
WHay2922: you got that right
KENNY52693: ok, i will
DOT1COM: that is crap mw1
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has entered the room.
KENNY52693: one question
Skixprs: dot its not bs
OnlineHost: ALYA ANN has left the room.
DOT1COM: when is it that we take responsibility for our own actions?!
KENNY52693: do i worry about getting the negative info changed. I mean i dont
care, ive just heard that
OnlineHost: Starbu3169 has entered the room.
KENNY52693: is what were supposed to do
MW 1Voice: Dot stop it! Not everybody who makes a late payment is bad...nor
someone that loses a job
MW Mad Dog: Dot...Don't hurt yourself when you fall off your high horse
KENNY52693: whats wrong dot?
WHay2922: everybody makes mistakes dot
DOT1COM: don't chaNGE the subject
KENNY52693: i know im not a bad guy. whats your problem?
Starbu3169: Sorry all --I got logged out--Did I miss any questions??
DOT1COM: you said credit companies lure you in then squash you
MW 1Voice: Answer my last comment!
Skixprs: what does it really take to get the creditors to be sympathic if you
have a true problem.
MW Mad Dog: What change...This is it
WHay2922: dot you are full of you know what
KENNY52693: wait. answer my question, 1voice
Starbu3169: Ski--Call them before they call you--
WHay2922: i have seen and heard from your kind
MW 1Voice: Creditors respond to honesty...on an upper management level!
KENNY52693: i will go upstairs tomorrow
WHay2922: mw1voice no they do not
Starbu3169: MW1--How did you get this gig??
WHay2922: not all of them, anyway
KENNY52693: are collection agencies different from credit card companies
DOT1COM: yes
WHay2922: most collection agencies are owned bu cc companies
MW 1Voice: Collectors work on behalf of creditors!
Starbu3169: KENNY--CC companies simply report Credit data--no collection
DOT1COM: when you ignore the crid card co they sick the collections dogs on
MW Mad Dog: Star...We got this gig by helping people in our forum on credit
KENNY52693: please--someone--answer this question for me/
WHay2922: you are really well educated dot1
KENNY52693: do i worry about getting the negative info changed????
OnlineHost: DBrauer789 has entered the room.
DOT1COM: thank you
MW 1Voice: Star is sharpening his ax...his agenda is clear...discredit
everyone but himself!
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...If you can make it part of the negotiation. Pay less of
the balance if they won't cooperate
Skixprs: im going to write all creditors but should i tell them the problems.
or just make promises t
WHay2922: i sure would like to have your phone # dot
KENNY52693: so it is important
Starbu3169: Again, I've been in Residential and commercial real estate
collections for many years--we're
Starbu3169: not that bad
Skixprs: pay them X each month. how do i get the interest lowered.
DOT1COM: im me
WHay2922: and give you a piece of my mind, DOT
KENNY52693: so i should avoid BK
DBrauer789: Who is leading the discussion in this room?
DOT1COM: speak up I am here
Starbu3169: Ski--If you don't want to be called--simply notify in writing
DBrauer789: Is it you, DOT1COM?
MW Mad Dog: Kenny Yes Bk is the easy way out.
WHay2922: just tell us what your interest is here tonight DOT
KENNY52693: ive got them from $42,000 to $18,000 in a couple of hours. i can
get them to $12,000
MW 1Voice: Kenny, avoid BK at all cost!
OnlineHost: Michf26 has entered the room.
DOT1COM: mw1 is right BK is a mistake
DOT1COM: last resort
KENNY52693: what about Paula??
OnlineHost: Michf26 has left the room.
MW Mad Dog: DBrauer...MW 1 voice is leading the forum
DBrauer789: Thank you!
KENNY52693: thats fine. ive already made enough mistakes.
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...Paula is getting married
KENNY52693: i know. she filed for Bk. and she did OK
OnlineHost: DBrauer789 has left the room.
OnlineHost: WHay2922 has left the room.
OnlineHost: DBrauer789 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SRKinz has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SRKinz has left the room.
OnlineHost: MadCruella has entered the room.
OnlineHost: SRKinz has entered the room.
KENNY52693: hello??
OnlineHost: SRKinz has left the room.
MW Mad Dog: We're here
OnlineHost: MadCruella has left the room.
MW 1Voice: Kenny, just keep negotiating until you get what you want!
MW Mad Dog: Kenny...I also filed 20 years ago and did ok too
DOT1COM: Kenny what % rate does your card carry
MW 1Voice: Never listen to Real Estate people on the topic of credit!
Starbu3169: MW1--Sharpening my axe?? I'm trying to help--I can offer
experience from other side
Skixprs: i really don't understand how to negotiate when i am the one the
owes them money.
MW Mad Dog: Ski...If you have the ability to pay and can withhold it you hAve
the power to negotiate
OnlineHost: DBrauer789 has left the room.
Starbu3169: MW1--Real Estate people check credit more closely than all
creditors combined!!
Skixprs: are they really going to listen to me. it seems that everything i
pay is going to interest
MW Mad Dog: Star...In spite of that many with a BK get home loans every day
MW 1Voice: Real Estate people have no idea what they are doing when it comes
to credit!
OnlineHost: KENNY52693 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Dede2500 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: AliceFWH has left the room.
DOT1COM: I disagree again m1, broad statement any way
MW 1Voice: I have a women who has only a repo that become obsolete in
December yet nobody wants
MW 1Voice: to help her gwet a home!
MW Mad Dog: MW 1...Here here...that's why they want so much paperwork...To
cover their buts
MW 1Voice: They all say, the repo must go FIRST!
OnlineHost: Rangerbarb has entered the room.
OnlineHost: KENNY52693 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Dede2500 has left the room.
MW 1Voice: This poor woman is living in hell...with no hope until December!
MW Mad Dog: MW 1 JC...Send her to a broker
Starbu3169: MW--Would you make a home loan to someone who regularly defaulted
on signed obligations??
KENNY52693: did you answer my question? you all filed BK and survived. Why is
it so bad for me?
Skixprs: how long does negative stay on your credit report and why does the
report show you as husban
Skixprs: d and wife not individual.
MW Mad Dog: Star...depends on which obligations and why
OnlineHost: Rangerbarb has left the room.
MW 1Voice: Kenny, 10 years without the respect of lenders or creditors of any
DOT1COM: The question will be asked forever
KENNY52693: ill get my $12,000 and ill get negative info removed. thanks for
the strait answer JC
MW Mad Dog: MW1...JC...come on...it's not that bad
OnlineHost: Kronos22 has entered the room.
MW 1Voice: Star she was a wife, who at the time was not even working! The
dealer begged her to sign!
MW 1Voice: It was the husband's vehicle!
OnlineHost: EWUVP has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Kronos22 has left the room.
EWUVP: What is the topic?
MW 1Voice: Star, you have a typical collector's mind...Asssume guilt first!
DOT1COM: sheep get slaughtered
MW Mad Dog: EW...Credit
Skixprs: i am beginning to believe that there is no such thing as individual
if you are married
OnlineHost: JHarper730 has entered the room.
Starbu3169: MW1--Did she sign or not??
OnlineHost: JHarper730 has left the room.
OnlineHost: KENNY52693 has left the room.
EWUVP: Are we discussing ways to battle the credit card blues?
MW 1Voice: Star, see what I mean? This is why I make sure people don't do
joint accounts!
MW Mad Dog: EW...We are but time is running out
Skixprs: how do creditors know if you are not living together but still
DOT1COM: enkoyed it mw1
Starbu3169: MW--Let's try to help some people here??Agree??
OnlineHost: Pradipc1 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Pradipc1 has left the room.
EWUVP: So can anyone tell me what the trick is?
DOT1COM: trick is for what
EWUVP: Getting out of debt!
MW 1Voice: I have helped people nationally for four years Sir!
MW Mad Dog: Tell em JC
MW 1Voice: That's it guy's...Time is up!
DOT1COM: thanks
Starbu3169: Touche'
MW 1Voice: Roll credits!!!!!
DOT1COM: can't spend more than you make
MW Mad Dog: Bye all.....
OnlineHost: MW Mad Dog has left the room.
DOT1COM: its that simple
Skixprs: see you next week
EWUVP: When next week?
EWUVP: Time\place?
OnlineHost: DOT1COM has left the room.
Skixprs: thursday 10pm est
EWUVP: Thanks!!!
OnlineHost: EWUVP has left the room.
OnlineHost: Starbu3169 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Starbu3169 has entered the room.
OnlineHost: Starbu3169 has left the room.
OnlineHost: Skixprs has left the room.